OUR VIDEOS 2022-2024

Greetings to the Bless All Life Council Video Directory for 2022.  We are delighted that you have found us and know that you are here by Divine Design.

Within our videos you will find many

  • Tools for Transformation
  • Insights for Conscious Co-Creation and
  • Mystery school teachings
  • Decrees, Prayers and Spiritual Advocacy Tools
  • Real-time examples of Planetary Service

... to assist those who are newly awakened and those who have been on the path of Light/Love alike. For earlier videos, please visit https://bless-all-life.com/our-videos-2020-2021/

As with the 2020-2021 page, you will see that our videos are listed with the most recent first. However, we invite you to listen oldest to newest or to allow your inner guidance in picking the most appropriate video(s) for you in any given moment.

Clicking on the video link will take you either directly to our Vimeo account or to a short post that provides you the active video link along with a description of what you will find on the particular video. We trust that you will find this format to easy to follow and supportive of your journey.

Thank you again for joining the Bless All Life Council as we share our wisdom and mastery in service to Mother Earth, our galaxy and beyond.  May all be blessed!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.  Also please SHARE! ♥

January  9th 2022 - Activity Resetting Our Reality Pt 5 Justice System Final


  1. Intro.& Update - Beverly Brinn (0: 2:55)
  2. Setting the Unity Template – Mikaelah Cordeo (3:00 – 13:28)


  1. Messages from the Karmic Board (13:33 – 48:35)
  2. Clear the Error of Judgement around Justice-Janet Doerr & Mikaelah Cordeo (48:40 – 1:13:09)
  3. Transforming Spiritual Poverty to Spiritual Reconnection- Becky Lusted    & Catherine Hewett (1:13:11 – 1:21:08)
  4. Resurrection Decree - Emmaray Kamara (1:21:11 - 1:26:55)
  5. Round Table for Visions of Divine Justice on Earth - facilitated by Kathi Patterson  (1:27:27 – 1:55:33)
  6. Prayers for Health for 2022 - Mary Ma McChrist (1:55:35 - 1:59:59)

CLOSING -Becky Lusted (2:00 – end)

June 21, 2024 - Solstice - Freedom and Sovereignty



1:18 Introductions:

Beverly Brinn
Janet Doerr
Emmaray Kumara
Francine Ryan
Robin Haynes
*Mikaelah Cordeo & Ray Savage joined later


2:13 Calling in the Unity Grid: Bev, Janet, Emmaray
8:30 Connecting with Earth Grid & Unification of Self to Zero Point-Janet
10:37 Group Share-Bev,
11:19 Call of Unity/ Invocation of Angels of the Elements-Emmaray
20:48 Claiming our Freedom/Sovereignty-Janet
*35:00 Revoking Oaths, Vows, Contracts,….
*Clearing surfaced energies-Janet
42:57 Receiving AA Michael’s Sword & Downloads
47:45 UK Ray
48:20 Intro Robin Haynes
48:49 Mikaelah
49:00 UK Ray Savage
49:14 UK Election Report/ Church of Heaven on Mother Earth (H.O.M.E.) Declaration
58:30 The Timing of this Call-Global Reset
Bev & Robin
1:01:56 Resurrection/Tones*/Black Hole of Potentiality-Fran
*Some tones inaudible on ZOOM recording

1:12 Observations of Matrix changes-Bev
1:12:56 The Black Hole-Mikaelah
1:13 The field of Pure Potential-Emmaray
1:14 Observations-Janet
1:15:31 Poem & Blessings from the Buddha, the Christ, & All That Is-Mikaelah
1:19 The Void-Mikaelah
1:22:17 Hymn “Day by Day” -Bev
1:24 “Prayer for the United States” from MaryMa McChrist
Grid & Visualization
Prayers for the Holy Family by Bev
1:32:24 Notification of 144K to clear separation -Emmaray
1:33 Stellar Rainbow Bridge tone & creation (silent)-Bev & Fran
1:37:27 Connecting Energy of Earth &
1:38 Awareness of Purpose- Emmaray
1:38:27 Purity/Vertical Unification Exercise-Infinity 8 to the Universe-Mikaelah
1:43 Universal Crystal reset-Robin
1:44:10 Weaving contributions/Magnification & Multiplication of contributions-Janet
1:45 Horizontal Infinity 8-Emmaray



1:46 Closing-Janet
1:48 Insights from the Divine Mother -Mikaelah
1:49 Expanding energies, awareness sharing, & Sealing the Meeting-Janet, Emmaray, Mikaelah