Anchoring the Gold Ray of Eternal Peace ~ Bless All Life Council: April 11th 2021

Welcome to yet another wonderful Bless All Life Council meeting! ♥

In this round table the Bless All Life Council focused on the Gold Ray quality of Eternal Peace.  One of the many qualities of the 10th Solar Ray.  This is part one of a two part series.  The second part, scheduled for April 25th, in which we will be focusing on the qualities of Divine Abundance, Prosperity & God's Supply of All Good Things.

Anchoring the essence of Eternal Peace is critical on and for Gaia/Mother Earth and all of Life at this time as part of our planetary & galactic ascension process. As you can see in the agenda (located below the video ↓), we focused on many aspects of this energy - including the clearing of obstructions, the essential nature of Eternal Peace, a discussion of the Peaceable Kingdom, and anchoring the Divine Templates from the Causal Plain down into Gaia's Causal Body.

Like all of our meetings, we begin with setting the energies for our session, invoking protection and support from the higher realms, and calling the directions and elementals.

There are two ways of enjoying our videos, 1. grab water, settle in, and allow two hours to enjoy the entire session from beginning to end; or 2. If you prefer you may review the time stamps below the video and simply listen to those sections that are calling to you.

Below the video you will find the Reference List of examples of decrees, prayers and opening calls we frequently use and any pertinent references.

♥ Please add your Light/Love Energy as you to watch the video below:

Anchoring the Ray of Eternal Peace – Personally & for All of Life


  1. Intro- Bev Brinn (0 – 3:00)
  2. Grounding & Unity Grid + Clearing all that no longer Serves – (3:00 – 15:00)
  3. Beginning Conversation on Peace - Mikaelah Cordeo (15:00 – 18:00)
  4. Calling in the Directions, Elements, Elementals - Marco Fassetta (19:00 – 24:00)


  1. Definition & Principle of Peace: Mikaelah Cordeo (25:00 – 32:00)
  2. Peaceable Kingdom - Emmaray Kumara (33:00 – 44:33)
  3. Group sharing – Kathy Patterson + (45:00 - 47:00)
  4. Insights/Awarenesses/ Clearing of Implant- Bev Brinn & Janet Doerr (47:00 – 1:02)
  5. Completion of Clearing with toning – Bev Brinn (1:02 – 1:07)

*** break ***

  1. Uproot the Curse of Eve/ Womb & Clearing the Void - Mikaelah Cordeo & Emmaray Kumara (1:08:30 – 1:26:44)
  2. Immersion in Gold Ray to lift Traumas & Harmonic Code for Peace - Janet Doerr (1:27 – 1:47)
  3. Invoking the Divine Template of Eternal Peace Guided Visioning - Emmaray Kumara (1:42:20 – 1:50:33)
  4. Peace on Earth sharing of writing – Mikaelah Cordeo (1:51 – 1:52:44)


Sealing the Meeting - Justyna Maternicka

Thank you for joining us. Due to the powerful energies that were shared it may be helpful to drink extra water, allow some downtime to integrate, take a walk and listen to your Body Elemental and body.  You may experience being more sensitive than usual and/or may find yourself releasing some emotion.

Be gentle with yourself and others. ♥

Peaceable Kingdom

Reference List

  1.  Peace, Love & Healing, book by Mikaelah Cordeo
  2.  Numeric Code for Peace:  794 65 62

Remember Who You Are ....